District V.
€ 374,500
HUF 150,000,000
Approx sqm
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The Fifth district offers its residents the ultimate downtown lifestyle. Filled with luxury accommodation, fine dining, and tourist attractions alike, it’s one of the busiest areas for business and tourism. This district is an attraction for visitors and investors alike and is one area where renovations are consistent and streets are well-kept.
Property prices in the Fifth district are among the highest in the city, but the area has proven to deliver excellent returns for investors, across all neighborhoods. There is a huge diversity in neighborhoods, ranging from bustling party streets to the incredibly peaceful streets of Viziváros (Water City). Investors looking for property in this neighborhood should consider how close (or far) they want to be from the tourist buzz.
Total quiet and green surroundings are not characteristic of this neighborhood. Even on the quietest streets, adventurous visitors to the city roam around during the day. Vehicle traffic can also be heavy in this area, especially during holiday street closures, which can make parking more difficult. Finally, although the district offers several beautiful parks to choose from, District V is not considered one of the greenest areas in the city.