District XIII.
€ 372,500
HUF 149,000,000
Approx sqm
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Few urban areas can be said to have it all: ample green space, bike lanes, affordable housing, an active and international community, classic nightlife, a blooming gastro scene…all located downtown. But somehow, the XIII’s most popular neighborhood brings it all together. The district’s bike lanes wind down from Margaret Island’s spacious fields, through the restaurants, new-wave cafes and boutiques of Pozsonyi Street, past Szent István park’s perfect picnic oasis all the way to the brand-new pools of the Duna Arena.
An all-encompassing district full of cafes, boutiques, restaurants or even bistros ready to cater to your next picnic in the neighboring park. Proximity to Margaret Island and the downtown and heady views of the Danube put Újlipótváros in a prime location for work and play.
The XIII. District is huge and happening – it is after all still in the downtown. While parks and the waterfront are readily available, so too is urban life and bustle well and alive.