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We value the trust of our customers and are committed to protect their personal information and their rights to self-determination. We always handle the data of our customers transparently in accordance with the laws in force at any given time. We only collect and process personal information in accordance with the law. We may send you a system message at any time without your consent, but we will only send you a marketing newsletter if you have given us permission to do so. We handle and store the processed data in the most secure way possible, and we transfer it to third parties only with the consent of the data owner or within the framework of our legal obligation.
Based on the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR, (EU) 2016/679) of the European Parliament and of the Council - entered into force on 25 May 2018 - our data management policies have changed as follows.
We use cookies to make the website work as efficiently as possible. Cookies help us to identify returning users based on the data they store, so we can collect data about the behaviour of our users. We collect information that shows our users from which country, from which browser they visited our website, what operating system they use, what pages they view on our website and what features they use. Cookies do not collect personally identifiable information.
These cookies are provided by Google and are used through the Google Adwords system. These cookies are sent to the visitor's computer only when certain sub-pages are visited, so we only store the fact and time of the visit to the given sub-page, not any other information.
We use the data to analyse, optimise, develop and promote our website in order to provide you with the best possible service.
Data management is required for the performance of the contract or on the basis of legislation. The provision of data is voluntary, the data subject is not obliged to give his / her consent to the data management, however, he / she acknowledges that in the absence of the provision of data the Company cannot start or continue the business relationship with him.
The data management covers the data of all stakeholders - partners, customers, principals. The Company handles personal data only for the purpose (purpose of the data) in order to provide the services and payments specified in the assignment contract to the data subjects.
Surname and forename, name of birth, place and date of birth, type and ID number of identity documents, address, in case of a foreign citizen place of residence, mother's name, citizenship, tax number, personal ID number, email address, telephone number, topographical number of the regarding property, the name of the individual representing the contractor (+ email address, telephone number, ID number), name of individual representing the entrepreneur (+ email address, telephone number, ID number).
Surname and forename, place and date of birth, address, e-mail address, telephone number, identity card number of the individual viewing the property.
Names, e-mail addresses and telephone numbers of individuals
(Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Pinterest) The voluntarily registered name and public profile picture of the registered individuals who like the page.
Name, address, type and number of ID card of the individual submitting the liability claim / complaint.
Personal data of proxies: The name, address, type and number of the ID card of a person acting on behalf of the person concerned in a matter related to the enterprise.
The provision of the data is a condition for the provision of the service provided by the Company in the contract, in the absence of their provision or in the case of a subsequent request for their deletion, the service cannot be used. The provision of other data is voluntary, the withdrawal of consent to data processing does not affect the legitimacy of previous data processing.
The employees / agents of Matthew & Daniel’s Kft. Are considered to be persons entitled to data management.
The Company will provide data in real estate matters (if the offer is accepted by the seller, to the document editing attorney). The Company also uses a data processor - an accountant to perform accounting tasks and in some cases a courier company if necessary.
Right to information: At the request of the data holder the data controller is obliged to provide information of appropriate size, language, simple interpretable and easy to find information on the relevant aspects of data management (who, what, for what, how, when, for how long).
Right of access: The individual may request information on whether his or her data is being processed and if so, which data is being processed and how.
Right to rectification: The data holder may indicate that the data processed is inaccurate and request what should be indicated instead.
The right to forget: The data owner has the right to request the deletion of his / her personal data from the data controller, if the data controller is not prevented from deleting his / her data by other legal obligations and the basis of data processing has ceased to be deleted within a reasonable time, but not more than 25 days. If the controller has given third parties access to the data to be deleted, it must inform all those to whom it has disclosed the data in question, so that all references or personal data stored with them can be deleted. Right to restrict data processing: In some cases, the person involved in the processing of personal data may request a restriction on the processing of his or her personal data, for example in an unclear, contentious situation or when data processing is no longer necessary but the data holder still wishes to do so.
Right to data portability: The data holder may request to receive the data processed concerning him or her in a structured, widely used “machine-readable” format and shall have the right to transfer such data to another controller without being hindered by the original controller.
Right to objection: The data holder has the right to object at any time for reasons related to his or her own situation, to the processing of his or her personal data for a specific reason, in cases where the data subject has not consented to the processing of his or her data and is not justified by his or her legal obligations.
Right to withdraw consent: The data holder has the right to withdraw his or her consent at any time. Withdrawal of consent shall not affect the lawfulness of the data processing prior to withdrawal.
The data holder may request the exercise of his / her data rights orally, in writing, at a postal address, e-mail address, website - preferably through the forum which the data were lawfully transferred to the data controller.
If you have a complaint about the handling of your data, please contact us, preferably in writing, at the e-mail address (sales@matthewdanielsrealty.com). We will do our best to investigate your complaint as soon as possible, but within the maximum of 25 days.
Amennyiben ezt követően is fennáll a panasza, vagy eljárásunkkal nem elégedett, bírósághoz, vagy a Nemzeti Adatvédelmi és Információszabadság Hatósághoz fordulhat az alábbi elérhetőségeken:
If you still have a complaint or you are not satisfied with our procedure you can contact a court or the National Data Protection and Freedom of Information Authority at the following contact details:
The circumstances and legal environment of data management may change, and the Company may at any time decide to supplement its ongoing data management with a new data management purpose, therefore it reserves the right to amend this Prospectus at any time. The current information is available on the Company's website.